Booking Rates
from 1st April 2025
Christ Church £35 per hour
Christ Church Hall £25 per hour
(£130 flat fee for parties – whole morning or afternoon hire duration)
St. Christopher’s hall £25 per hour
St. Christopher’s meeting room £15 per hour
Terms and Conditions of Hire
- The Hirer agrees to pay the fee one week in advance.
In the event of a cancellation by the Hirer within a week of the hiring date, the Hirer remains liable to pay the agreed fee except where the PCC is able to arrange a replacement booking. - A £50 returnable deposit (in cash) is requested for parties and one-off hires. This will be returned after the hire if the premises are left in the condition in which they were found.
- Where the contract is for a regular booking the PCC reserves the right to terminate this agreement by giving notice of one calendar month, and the Hirer undertakes to give one calendar month’s notice of termination. Where the Hirer is in serious breach of this agreement, or fails to pay rent for more than three months, the PCC has the right to terminate without notice. Regular Hirers are encouraged to pay monthly by Standing Order. Rents are reviewed every six months and the PCC reserves the right to increase rates in order to cover heating and maintenance costs. One calendar month’s notice will be given of an increase.
- The PCC reserves the right to cancel this agreement without notice due to completely unforeseen circumstances, such as serious damage to the building or criminal activity. In that event, all of any fee paid in advance will be refunded to the Hirer.
- The PCC’s authorised officials are Mr Richard Lowe, Churchwarden (07713162274) and Mr. B. S. Bartlett, Church Secretary (0161 445 1924)
- The Hirer agrees to observe and perform the terms and conditions and stipulations contained in the PCC’s Conditions of Hire annexed to this document.
- The Hirer shall during the period of hiring be responsible for the supervision of the premises, the protection of the fabric and contents of the building and the security of the building. This includes supervision of the car park so as to avoid obstruction of the highway. The premises must be securely locked at the end of the period of use and the alarm activated. Any keys provided must be promptly returned to the Rector.
- The Hirer shall be responsible for the behaviour of all persons using the premises during the period of hiring, whatever their capacity.
- The Hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that those, other than relatives, supervising persons under 18 or vulnerable adults, have obtained DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance in accordance with the PCC’s Safeguarding Policy (copy attached)
- The Hirer shall be responsible for undertaking their own Risk Assessment, prior to using the premises
- The Hirer shall be responsible for obtaining the relevant copyright licence/s for performance of music and livestreaming (if that is to take place). Livestreaming should be undertaken through the hirer’s own media platform account.
- The Hirer shall be liable for any loss or damage to the interior or exterior of the building and/or its contents caused by any person using the premises during the period of hiring and will reimburse the PCC for any necessary repair or replacement.
- The Hirer shall on making the booking inform an authorised official of any requirement to use the kitchen. Hirers are notified that occasionally church members may need to share use of the kitchen for the purpose of church activities.
- The Hirer shall be responsible for insuring against third party claims which may lie against it whilst using the premises. (The PCC carries third party insurance against any claims arising out of its own negligence, but this will not cover the Hirer).
- The PCC is not liable for any loss of or damage to vehicles parked in the car park.
- The Church at Christ Church West Didsbury is licensed for the sale of alcohol at restricted times and this must be arranged by the authorised officials. Other premised are not licensed.
- The Hirer shall not sub-let the premises.
- The Hirer undertakes not to use the premises for any unlawful purpose and to comply with all laws relating to the use of the premises.
- The Hirer shall remove all rubbish from their event and dispose of it on their own premises.
Further information for Hirers of Christ Church for concerts and rehearsals
We are very fortunate to have such flexible seating, but to enable the building to be used by all, we ask that you return any chairs you move to their original position. There are small square markers on the floor to indicate where the rows should begin.
We have invested in a reinforced piano frame with heavy-duty castors to enable safe moving of the piano. Please return it to the position you found it after use. If you find any faults with the piano, please do email and we will arrange a visit from the technicians.
The piano is tuned regularly and holds tune well but if you would like it tuned specifically for your event we can organise it for you at your own cost.
The organs are available for use during a hire of the building but please gain permission beforehand. The pipe organ occasionally undergoes work and may not always be available. It is tuned regularly and holds tune reasonably well (better in summer than winter) but if you would like it tuned specifically for your event we can organise it for you at your own cost. Please note that the pipe organ console joints have weakened through time and, therefore, we ask that one of our colleagues moves it for you to the requested position before your concert or rehearsal.
We have a 4-camera streaming system in the church which can be made available if you would like your event streamed. Because of the complexity of the system we suggest that one of our trained operators provides this service for you. We ask for a small fee of £50 for this. You must have your own account (youtube, facebook etc) for us to stream to and have the relevant copyright licences in place to cover the broadcast of any in-copyright music.
We now have wifi! If you’d like to use it, please ask for login details the week before your event. We ask for a small one-off donation of £50 to help towards the costs we encounter.
Tickets and Money Matters
We are often able to provide assistance with checking and issuing/selling tickets at the door. If needed, please request this at least 3 weeks before your event. We can also supply a float for ticket money if requested. If you are selling programmes, please bring your own float, separate from the admission money.
Audio System
You are very welcome to use our P.A. system which comprises 2 lapel microphones and one hand-held microphone. Please let us know the week before your event if you would like to use them. We also have fixed pick-up microphones in the building which send their output to the ‘loop system’ for those with hearing aids. This is normally activated as standard.
We plan to re-start the provision of interval refreshments in March 2022. They consist of white wine, red wine, orange juice and sparkling water. We hold a license to sell alcohol and, therefore, all alcoholic refreshments must be operated by our team. If you’d prefer to serve tea and coffee, you are very welcome to use our facilities and coordinate this provision yourselves.
All our concerts and events are added to our website when confirmed. If you would like programme information, your website link, ticket information and/or purchase link added to the website listing, please let us have the information as soon as possible.
Please be assured that we will do everything we can to make your event a success, and please do ask if there is anything not mentioned here which you are unsure about or if you have any additional requirements.