Please donate…
Can you help us?
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we now face a significant drop in our income and ability to function in the near future through no Sunday collections and our hall users having had to cease meeting.
As a church we still have to pay our utility bills, community charge, insurances and £47,000 parish share to the Manchester Diocese of Manchester.
We have a generous God. Can we meet up to his challenge to be more like him?
Bank Transfer
If you would like to make a one-off donation to us, please do so via bank transfer using the following details:
CAF Bank
Christ Church West Didsbury
Sort code 40-52-40
Account number 00029660
Standing Orders
If you often give to the church though cash or cheque in the collection plate, might we ask you to consider giving by standing order. This would help us maintain a regular income, which would be especially helpful during the period of no public worship.
Anyone using online banking can use these details to set up a standing order from home:
CAF Bank
Christ Church West Didsbury
Sort code 40-52-40
Account number 00029660
Otherwise it can be set up by telephoning your bank, writing to them, or calling into your branch.
Forms are available for gift aiding your stewardship if you pay tax. These are on the sidespersons table at church (or they can be delivered to you).
EasyFundraising – give as you shop!
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Christ Church West Didsbury and St Christopher Withington with easyfundraising?
There are over 6,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Go to EasyFundraising and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Christ Church West Didsbury and St Christopher Withington at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Christ Church West Didsbury and St Christopher Withington will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.