Northern Chamber Orchestra Soloists: Rossini, Mozart, Strauss & Beethoven

Rossini String Sonata No. 3 in C | Mozart Horn Quintet in E flat major K.407 | R Strauss Till Eulenspiegel, Einmal Anders op. 28 | Beethoven Septet in E flat major op. 20

Beethoven completed his Septet, written for four string and three wind instruments, at the age of 29. In six movements, the invention and variety ensure it never outstays its welcome. In later life Beethoven showed some annoyance at the immense popularity of this early work.

Rossini wrote his six charming and brilliant string sonatas when he was 12 years old. No. 3 in C has the usual operatic style slow movement and gives unusual prominence to the double bass.

Mozart’s Horn Quintet is really a horn concerto although, as always with Mozart, the part writing gives rewards to the other players. Richard Strauss’ virtuosic tone poem was originally scored for an enormous orchestra. In riposte to what he saw as a rather overblown piece, Franz Hasenöhrl in 1954 rather cheekily arranged it for only five players, to subsequent great acclaim from audiences.


Service Times

9.30 a.m Eucharist
at St Christopher’s
11.00 a.m Parish Eucharist
at Christ Church
See Weekly News for service details for the forthcoming week.

9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer
at Christ Church

9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer
at St. Christopher’s

9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer
at Christ Church
7.30 p.m. Mid-week Eucharist
at Christ Church

9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer
at St Christopher’s

Contact Details
Parish office
0161 445 4152 / Email us

Our parish safeguarding info can be found HERE
For matters of safeguarding please contact:
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Susannah Atherton
Tel: 0161 536 6152
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer:
Abbey Clephane-Wilson
Tel: 0161 828 1451
Local Authority Social Services:
Tel: 0161 234 5001

Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals
For baptisms and weddings, see the information on these pages
Weddings / Funerals / Baptisms


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